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Tag Archives: NECA

Gremlins 2 action figures by NECA finally arriving this fall!

Fans have been waiting for many years to finally see the Lady Gremlina (or Greta as she is now known) Tattoo Gremlin and Brown Gremlin hit shelves and it looks like we will see them this fall!
John Squires has a nice little write up about it over at Bloody Disgusting and some photos as well.

We have some photos coming of our own this weekend so keep an eye on the site and facebook page for those.

Ultimate ‘Gremlins 2’ Action Figures from NECA Will Be Hatching This Fall

Does this mean we might get the melted gremlin and Gremlin cocoon as well?
I suppose since we have waited this long for the Gremlins 2 figures and are actually happening we should never say never.

Do you still collect the NECA gremlins? Share your favorite below!

Spider Gremlin in packaging revealed!

Finally @Neca_Toys on twitter has revealed the awesome packaging for the upcoming Mohawk the Spider Gremlin figure! 


We should be seeing Mohawk (and his beaker of spider serum) sometime this month on store shelves! More info to come as we get a concrete date. 

Tell us in the comments below which previous Neca toy is your favorite! (Pictures are welcome as well!)

Pre-Orders Available for NECA’s Mohawk The Spider-Gremlin!


Finally after much begging and pleading with NECA for additional Gremlins figures, we see something even better than a new series of 6″ figures, Mohawk arrives this October, and looks better than we could have imagined. These should be retailing between $49.99 and $59.99 depending on your store.

From NECA:

When fully assembled, the Spider Gremlin stands over 10″ tall and is nearly 15″ across and over 12″ deep!
It is enormous and full of detail! An incredible re-creation of the puppet seen in Gremlins 2: The New Batch, the Spider Gremlin features a hinged jaw, ball-jointed shoulders, elbows, and wrists and 8 massive spider legs that are also articulated in 3 places each! In total, over 30 points of articulation!
Also includes a support stand to help balance and display him in your desired poses.
Here is the catch, this is a one-time order that must be placed by July 8th. If you want this figure, and you want to show stores that Gremlins is a money-maker, then get out there to your local hobby/collectible stores (Not Toys R Us, not eBay, etc) and tell them you want them to order this figure.Why order locally?
Supporting your locally owned hobby stores in this day and age is an immense show of respect for those that help the collectibles community exist. Local stores are where the action is, where people gather and discuss their favorite nerddom or play games that you may not have even known exist or introduce you to a comic that isn’t necessarily the hottest, but has something special to offer.

These are the stores that will continue carrying a product like Gremlins even while the big box stores or internet discounters discontinue them in favor of whatever is newest. They will carry it because they know that you personally will come in for it. You know what? Having been on both sides of the counter, it just feels good. It feels great getting that unusual item for a small group of customers that really appreciate it. It also feels fantastic as a customer when you are remembered walking in the door and appreciated for your quirky hobbies.

So if you can, support your local hobby/gaming/collectibles/comics/toy stores. Show them that Gremlins fans have money and want to spend it in their stores. Keep the toy line alive!

{Facebook} The Mog Squad!

ImageI just wanted to share a bit of info on a Facebook group that is the perfect place for you to discuss and share your love of collecting all things Gremlins!

Organized by regular Gremlins Online contributor Aelia Petro, if you were ever wondering what that rare Gremlins item was or where you can find the last prop replica for your collection, this is the place to go!

Check it out, we look forward to seeing you there!


Website Update & new merchandise!

Hey folks

I updated the Video Games page with a bit more info and pictures for various games including Gremlins: Gizmo which was recently released by NECA.

That’s right, the new Gremlins game is now in stores throughout the US! (If you live outside of the states, please let me know if the game is available in your area.)

We also have been getting reports of the new wave of Gremlins toys hitting store shelves, have you seen them yet? comment below and help other fans find them in your area! This wave includes Daffy, George and the Gremlins 2 Flasher Gremlin.

Click on the pic to make it bigger!