Gremlins Online!

Your home for all things Gremlins

Tag Archives: Facebook

{Facebook} The Mog Squad!

ImageI just wanted to share a bit of info on a Facebook group that is the perfect place for you to discuss and share your love of collecting all things Gremlins!

Organized by regular Gremlins Online contributor Aelia Petro, if you were ever wondering what that rare Gremlins item was or where you can find the last prop replica for your collection, this is the place to go!

Check it out, we look forward to seeing you there!


Gremlins are Social Creatures…

…and so is Gremlins Online!

Hey folks,

I spent some time cleaning up the site and some random issues that had been bugging me behind the scenes, and decided to make Gremlins Online more modern and “social”.
“Rad!” you exclaim, but ask “What does that mean?”
Well now at the bottom of every page and post you can now share the content with others by simply clicking one of the many ways to share information. The most popular, facebook is right up front so you can tell all your friends about the awesome posts here!

The sharing is retroactive, meaning if you have a favorite post from way back when or a favorite fan art you want to share, just find it in the archives and share the post/page with friends or tweet it or whatever it is you do.

Next up you may have noticed a new box on the right hand side. It takes you to our facebook fan page. Right now it is pretty barren, however that will change as you tell us all about the neato stuff you guys find,  or rumors you hear, videos you see, you name it!
This will come with a bit of a change, however. I will be shutting down the Gremlins Online forums sometime this month since our facebook page has a discussion section where you all can role play or theorize about the next film to your heart’s content, or just chit-chat.
If you have posts you care about on the old forums, please visit and make a copy of them sometime soon so you don’t lose that data!

I think this will be a great way for us all to keep in touch and enjoy our favorite film franchise together!

If you have any ideas or questions, let me know and I will take them into consideration.

Thanks everyone, and remember to stay away from bright lights!
