Gremlins Online!

Your home for all things Gremlins



Some fans of the Gremlins series aren’t satisfied with drawing pictures or making fan-films or fan-fiction. These superfans take it to the next level with getting permanent alterations honoring their favorite films in ink on their bodies…If you have a Gremlin on your body, or have drawn up needle-friendly designs for others to use, feel free to show off your awesome tattoos here by sending a picture to Gremlins Online!
(Please include the tattoo artist’s name and shop if possible, so the artists can get the recognition they deserve as well!)

Gremlin tattoo on CruelRealities
He says that the next tattoo will be Rambo Gizmo and that they represent both the good and evil sides of him. As fierce as that gremlin looks, it sure makes me hope that gizmo wins out more often than not..

Mogwai Tattoo on Ninasoldada (myspace)
Inkwork done by Roger at Steady Tattoo in Mineapolis, Minnesota.
Ninasoldada shows off her dedication to everyone’s favorite majority mogwai, and the attitude that seems to be built into Gizmo’s smug mug. She also says to stay tuned since more mogwai and gremlins might pop up on her skin in the near future…let’s hope so!

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Gremlins Tattoos Designed By Paul Boulter

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More Gremlins ink designed by Paul Boulter

One response to “Tattoos

  1. Jennifer Mock April 21, 2012 at 7:19 pm

    You should see my tattoo of Gizmo..

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